Here for you...
Well, here we are into our second month and so much has happened already! The website has certainly been picking up a great deal of interest and I have received some lovely orders from as far up as Thurso down to Rothwell, and lots of places in between. There have been more customers through the door and I reached over 500 likes on Facebook, so had a little give away! Lorraine Fortune won the £20 gift voucher, which I am sure she will enjoy spending.
The general feeling and feedback that I am receiving is that customers love the set up of The Wonky Giraffe and are genuinely surprised at the amount of stock I have available. It absolutely delights me to see people’s faces light up as they go through the fabric and kits. One lady referred to it as being ‘like a kid in a sweetie shop’... which I was thrilled about as that is exactly how I feel about it all! I continue to receive more fabric and accessories each week, and do try to have this unpacked, photographed and onto the website as quickly as possible. In addition to my own ideas of what could be stocked here at The Wonky Giraffe, I’ve taken the time to listen keenly to your enquiries about stock too. Over the last few weeks I have been asked for, and subsequently sourced, zips, elastic, wadding, wool, buttons and crochet hooks. I was also asked whether I would be stocking jersey fabric and fabric for clothing, however due to the limited space I have I will not be stocking these. If you have any queries about possible stock or need help to source something, please do get in touch.
There have been a few comments from people who are having difficulty finding my unit. There are small signs directing you to my unit at both the end of and on the side of the main building, which unfortunately you can’t see until you are into the car park. I’ve taken this feedback on board, and have a large sign being made which you will see from the roadside and which will, in turn, make it easier to find me. I am hoping this will be ready in the next couple of weeks, but if you are coming to my unit in the meantime and can’t find your way give me a call and I can explain how to get here.
Alongside all that have in stock currently, I have been approached by a couple of people who have enquired about me stocking their kits and products. Ultimately, it is my long-term dream to have a ‘one stop shop’ where you can come and see lots of new and interesting projects. However, it is not just about stocking anything and everything; it’s about the service and support you get along with that. With this in mind, I was approached by Linda Thomson from ‘Feltology’ who asked if I would stock her needle felting kits. I was a little reluctant initially because I had never tried needle felting before and was concerned I wouldn’t have the knowledge to sell her kits as well as they deserve to be. However, having spoken to Linda and worked with her a little over the last few weeks I am delighted to say I will be stocking her kits and she will continue to be the main point of contact and support should you have any specific questions about them. I feel that this is a great compromise and am really looking forward to working with Linda to bring you another great product; these will be on the website shortly. I am working with another couple of people so watch this space for some other lovely products/kits!
I have one last piece or news to share with you all today... I have taken on a second unit at the U-Stor Business Units. This second unit will be used as my training room and has been furnished with tables, chairs and tea and coffee making facilities (of course!) and is now ready to go! The room is set up for a maximum of 8 people (though less with sewing machines) as I deliberately wanted any classes to be small so that people could learn new skills, meet new people and have fun in a relaxed and personal environment. Classes will not always be run by me and I am thrilled to say I have had a lot of interest from people about using the room already. I am excited to be preparing for a time when a training program can be issued to you all to browse and choose classes that will allow you to learn new skills. Obviously with the current Covid 19 restrictions in place we can’t do anything in the immediate future, but watch this space for further announcements in the near future. The room has potential to be used groups and meetings other than the classes mentioned above. Perhaps you have a group of friends and are looking for a safe, clean space to meet and have a cuppa whilst you sew and knit, or maybe you need some space to set out and pin your quilts? If this is of interest to you then give me a call on 07551414821 or email me on to discuss further.
Finally... ‘here for you’. That’s exactly what I want for you all. I have deliberately not been clear on my opening hours, simply because I want to be as flexible as I can for you. I live a ten minute walk away from the unit and am there almost every day, including nights and weekends, so no matter when you want to visit just give me a call and arrange to pop along. I do have an appointment system in place, purely to avoid disappointment if you were to pop along when someone was already there.
I think that is all for the moment...! Take care and stay safe.
Louise x
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