I’m sure the last thing you want to hear me talk about is the ‘C-19’ word… there is so much talk of tiers and restrictions and closures and loss, and whilst I am not at all downplaying the severity of our current situation, it is really hard to stay positive when this is what we hear day in, day out. That’s why I thought it was important to start this month’s blog with a little positivity and remind you all (and myself!) that there can be good at such a difficult time. We need more of these stories to remind people of the lovely things that can come at such a hard time.
Since the beginning of lockdown people and business have tried really hard to provide virtual classes, videos and tutorials to engage people in ‘events’ and ‘community gatherings’ at a time where this has been taken from so many of us. They don’t quite replace the real thing, but hey are wonderful and are much better than the prospect of ‘nothing’ that was facing us all those months ago. For some people, they really have been a lifeline. I have joined a few groups for the very reason of keeping busy and in touch with people, and it has been great to see other people’s work which can in turn inspire you to try different things. One such group is the ‘Kelso Ladies Poppy Group’. Running since the beginning of lockdown it has been such a supportive group and the ladies involved have all become really good friends and shared some great laughs (via messenger group, of course!) Throughout lockdown the ladies knitted and crocheted thousands of poppies ready for a Remembrance Day display that would be created at the Kelso War Memorial. Normally at this time of year there are parades and services that bring the community together at the War Memorial, and so we thought why not do something that people could enjoy, regardless of whether it would be celebrated in the same way. So, we did just that and it has been utterly heart-warming to see and hear how well received it has been. Since setting up the display there has never been a time that you pass the War Memorial where someone isn’t walking around or taking photos. It has been marvellous for both the town and the ladies; something really positive to come out of this year.
See the pictures below of our horse and dog which we added to the display this year, Gunner and Shadow.
Anyway, back to business!
Since I last spoke to you the clocks went back an hour, the days are shorter, the nights are longer and there has been a definite decline in the temperature some days. The ‘UFO’s’ from the last year will be dug out to look at and hopefully finish before the year is out! Though, as well intentioned as our plans to finish those projects are, we all know that we are easily distracted once we see a picture of a shiny new project on Pinterest or Facebook…Well, to add to the confusion, as promised, I have managed to secure accounts with not one, not two, but three new suppliers (comprising of 100's of patterns!) for you to choose from. Even more exciting is that I am the first stockist for them all in Scotland!
All three collections of patterns are now on my website for you to have a look through. Each of the designers have produced beautiful patterns and all three are slightly different in their designs. Personally, I have bought and made items from each of the designers in the past and so I know just how great they are to work with. I am really hoping that you will find a new project or two to keep you busy through these dark nights from the wonderful selection available!
I look forward to speaking to you all soon! Stay safe.
Louise x
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